Festival de theorie 2005 

Turbulence overshoot and resonant structures in fusion and astrophysical plasmas

4 - 22 July 2005
Aix-en-Provence, France

Director Committee

Chairman              Bernard BIGOT		(CEA, France)	
Executive secretary   Jean Jacquinot		(CEA, France)	
   Bernard BIGOT               (CEA,France)
   Jacques BOURDON             (Université Paul Cézanne, France)
   David CAMPBELL              (EFDA Garching, Germany)
   Steve ECKSTRAND             (DOE, USA)
   Elizabeth GIACOBINO         (Ministère de la Recherche, France)
   Pierre GLORIEUX             (CNRS, France)
   Robert J.GOLDSTON           (Princeton, University, USA)
   Jean JACQUINOT              (CEA, France)
   Karl LACKNER                (IPP Garching, Germany)
   Gyung-Su LEE                (IPP Garching, Germany)
   Osamu MOTOJIMA              (NIFS, Japan)
   Erol OKTAY                  (DOE, USA)
   Henri ORLAND                (DSM-CEA, France)
   Victor SANCHEZ              (CNRS, France)
   Valentin P. SMIRNOV         (KIAE, Russia)
   Paul TORDO                  (Université de Provence, France)

Scientific Committee

Chairman              Prof. P. Diamond	
Vice-Chairmain        Dr. X. Garbet		   
Secretary             Dr. Ph. Ghendrih

   Dr. Sadruddin BENKADDA      (CNRS, France)                        benkadda@newsup.univ-mrs.fr
   Dr. Peter BEYER             (Université de Provence, France)      beyer@up.univ-mrs.fr
   Dr. Jack CONNOR             (UKAEA, UK)                           jack.connor@ukaea.org.uk
   Prof. Patrick DIAMOND       (UCSD, USA)                           pdiamond@physics.ucsd.edu
   Prof. Jim DRAKE             (University of Maryland, USA)         drake@plasma.umd.edu
   Dr. Xavier GARBET           (CEA, France)                         xavier.garbet@cea.fr
   Dr. Philippe GHENDRIH       (CEA, France)                         philippe.ghendrih@cea.fr
   Prof. Sybille GÜNTER        (IPP Garching, Germany)               sybille.guenter@ipp.mpg.de
   Dr. Taik-Soo HAHM           (Princeton University, USA)           tshahm@pppl.gov
   Prof. Gilles HENRI          (Université Joseph Fourier, France)   gilles.henri@obs.ujf-grenoble.fr
   Prof. David HUGUES          (University of Leeds, UK)             dwh@amsta.leeds.ac.uk
   Prof. Kimitaka ITOH         (NIFS, Japan)                         Itoh@nifs.ac.jp
   Prof. Sanae ITOH            (University of Kyushu, Japan)         s-iitoh@riam.kyushu-u.ac.jp
   Prof. Predhiman KAW         (IPR, India)                          kaw@ipr.res.in
   Prof. Yasuaki KISHIMOTO     (JAERI, Japan)                        kishimoto@fusion.naka.jaeri.go.jp
   Prof. Alain POCHEAU         (IRPHE, France)                       alain.pocheau@irphe.univ-mrs.fr
   Prof. Franco PORCELLI       (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)        porcelli@polito.it
   Dr. Bruce SCOTT             (IPP Garching)                        dbs@ipp.mpg.de
   Prof. Karl SPATSCHEK        (University of Düsseldorf, Germany)   spatschek@thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de
   Dr. Michel TAGGER           (CEA, France)                         michel.tagger@cea.fr
   Prof. Laurent VIILLARD      (EPFL, Switzerland)                   laurent.villard@epfl.ch
   Prof. Ethan VISHNIAC        (John Hopkins University, USA)        ethan@pha.jhu.edu
   Prof. Jean-Paul ZAHN        (Observatoire Paris-Meudon, France)   jean-paul.zahn@obspm.fr
   Dr. Fulvio ZONCA            (ENEA, Italy)                         fulvio.zonca@frascati.enea.it
   Prof. Ellen ZWEIBEL         (University of Wisconsin, USA)        zweibel@astro.wisc.edu

Local Committee

President                               Philippe Ghendrih
Deputy                                  Pascal Bayetti et Annie-Laure Pecquet	   
Computer network & WEB                  Rémi Dumont, Virgine Grandgirard, Chantal Passeron, Nadine Utzel      
"Student" Programme                     Peter Beyer, Xavier Léoncini, Roland Stamm
Organisation                            Karine Zunino et Annie-Laure Pecquet
Organisation at Montperrin              Mme Santa-Maria
Secretary                               Thierry Hutter et Angèle Corso-Leclercq
Finacial support to participants        Yannick Sarazin
Relationship Universié de Provence      Michel Giraud et Roland Stamm
Relationship Université Paul Cézanne    Ahmed Charaï et Jean-Marc Pons
Relationship CEA                        Bernard Saoutic

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