The CRONOS-ITM simulator developed inside the European ITM-TF project demonstrates its ability to simulate a full JET discharge including ramp-up and ramp-down.
The four coupled transport equations on current, temperatures and densities are solved together for the first time during a 13s duration simulation.
Comparison of the CRONOS-ITM simulation (red) and the experimental data (blue and black). Top: time evolution of the average electron density. Middle: electron temperature profile at t = 51.43 s. Bottom: electron density profile at t = 51.43 s.
The CRONOS-ITM project reaches an important milestone reproducing a 13s duration JET discharge. In this simulation the ramp-up phase, the whole flat-top phase and the beginning of the ramp-down are simulated showing good agreement with the experimental data. Many improvements and corrections have been performed in the data access, module scheduling and modules themselves. The simulation time is fast (around 50 minutes).
The four coupled transport equations on current, temperatures and densities are solved. The cold neutral source is calculated and the NBI source is prescribed. One of the difficulties was to obtain the required averaged density by adjusting the evolution of the gas injection and the pumping speed. Another difficulty was to determine the correct transport models to reproduce the experimental results.
Maj : 13/03/2014 (370)