Deadline for submission :

14 June 2009


Instructions for papers submission :

As with the past meetings in this series, a subset of contributions will be peer-reviewed and published in a special issue of the international journal “Fusion Engineering and Design” (FED), published by Elsevier. The journal’s submission, review and decision process is managed entirely online using the Elsevier Editorial System (EES).

Authors should upload their manuscripts directly into EES. See below the link for author instructions:

You must be registered in the Elsevier Editorial System:
If you are already registered, you could directly log-in at the same address

The authors should select “IAEA-TM 2009 SI” when the authors reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process :

submission process

Instructions for manuscript preparation are available from the FED website (


Page limits :

The limited numbers of journal contribution pages are as follows:
  • Plenary talk and Oral presentations … 6 pages
  • Poster presentations … 4 pages

Authors could use this little spreadsheet to get an estimation of the number of pages. Just insert three numbers in the yellow fields:
  • Total word count (including abstract and references, excluding Title, excluding Graphics and Table captions), easily obtained with the MS Word word count feature,
  • Sum of vertical dimensions in mm of all single-column graphics and Tables (up to 88mm wide), including captions,
  • Sum of vertical dimensions in mm of all double-column graphics and Tables (up to 182mm wide), including captions.