
As part of a series of technical meetings on steady state operations of magnetic fusion devices, IAEA-TMSSO 2013 will provide an appropriate forum to discuss current issues covering a wide range of technical topics related to the steady state operation issues and also to encourage forecast of the ITER performances.

The technical meeting will include invited and contributed papers. The topics to be covered are:

1.   Superconducting Devices

2.   Long-pulse operation and Advanced Tokamak Physics

3.   Steady State Fusion Technologies

4.   Long pulse Heating and Current Drive

5.   Particle Control and Power Exhaust

6.   ITER-related research and Development issues

Meeting organization and Format:

The format of the meeting will be invited and contributed papers (orals and posters) presented in sessions devoted to special topics with subsequent discussions. It is expected that all talks be ~20 minutes with ~5 minutes for discussion.  An overhead projector for transparencies and an electronic projector with a computer capable of reading CD's and memory sticks will be available (Power Point recommended).

Plenary sessions will include one poster session to enhance topical discussions.

It is expected that the meeting will start at 09:00 on 14 May 2013 and end by 17:30 on 17 May 2013.


The official language of the meeting is English; no interpretation will be provided.