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7th Meeting of the
Consultative Committee for the EURATOM Specific Research and
Training Programme in the Field of Nuclear Energy (Fusion)

11 July 2000

Summary of Decisions and Recommendations



3.  ITER

The CCE-FU warmly welcomed the announcement by the French Delegation that the CEA is proposing a site for ITER and expressed its strong support for the translation of the CEA proposal into a ‘European’ site proposal, calling on active contributions from the Euratom-Fusion associations and on a strong involvement of European industry (e.g. of EFET) in the preparation of the proposal.

The CCE-FU invited the EFDA Steering Committee (SC) to carry out swiftly – in close interaction with CEA and in consultation with the ITER JCT – an in-depth examination of the CEA proposal. In particular, the CCE-FU invited the EFDA SC to provide, in consultation with the Commission services, guidelines for the evaluation of the proposal and to make proposals for action.

3.2   EU Domestic Assessment of ITER-FEAT Outline Design Report

Having had an in-depth exchange of views on the basis of the report from the FTC (do. EUR (00) CCE-FU 7/3.2) and having heard the outcome of the ITER meeting of 30 June 2000 on the domestic assessments of the ITER-FEAT Outline Design Report (ODR), the CCE-FU endorsed its opinion on the European domestic assessment of the ITER-FEAT ODR. The full text of the CCE-FU’s opinion is attached as annex I.



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