Pedestal Physics Working Session, Cadarache, 3-5 April 2006
Monday, 3 April 9:30-18:00.
9:30-9:50 Welcome and
Introduction (A. Bécoulet, D. Coster, V. Parail);
I - Physics of L-H transition and ETB (chair: Y Martin)
9:50 Y. Andrew “L-H
transition: overview of JET results”;
10:20 Y. Martin “L-H
transition in TCV”;
10:50 A. Loarte “Plasma
fuelling in JET ELMy H-mode: role of neutral dynamics and edge particle
11:20ŕ11:40 Coffee break
11:40 W, Suttrop, “Edge
pedestal studies in improved H-modes and small ELM regimes in AUG”
12:10 E.J. Kim “Role of
zonal flows and magnetic fields in turbulence regulation and the formation of
transport barriers”;
12:40 ŕ 14:00 Lunch
14:00 M. Tokar “A model
for L-H bifurcation, characteristics of ETB and ELMs”
14:30 P. Guzdar “Zonal
flows and their stability: the role they play in L-H transitions and density
15:00 T. Kurki-Suonio
“ASCOT simulations of edge physics issues”;
15:30 D. Kalupin
“Predictive modelling of L-H transition”;
16:00ŕ16:20 Coffee break
16:20 P. Ghendrih “Pedestal
width and turbulence spreading”;
16:50 C. Konz “Linear
edge stability and toroidal rotation”;
17:20 P. Tamain
“Thermal stability of plasma with gas puffing”;
17:50-18:10 Discussion.
Tuesday, 4 April 9:00-18:00.
II - MHD stability of ETB, ELM mitigation. (Chair: G. Huysmans)
9:00 B. Unterberg
“Impact of stochastic magnetic field on ELMs in TEXTOR;
9:30 E. Nardon “ELM
mitigation by ergodic magnetic field;
10:00 V. Parail “Role
of ripple and ergodic magnetic field in ELM mitigation;
10:30 P. Monier Garbet
“Impurities, pedestal and type-III ELMs in JET”;
11:00ŕ11:20 Coffee break
11:20-12:00 P. da Silva Aresta Belo “Impurity
transport through the ETB: experimental observation and predictive modelling;
12:00 S. Wiesen
“Modelling of neutral penetration through the SOL”;
12:30 ŕ 13:50 Lunch
13:50 J. Hogan “Semi-empirical ELM models”
14:20 P. Beyer
“Turbulence simulation of transport barrier relaxations in tokamak edge
III - Diagnostics needed for ETB and ELMs study.
(Chair: Th Loarer)
14:50 M. Beurskens
“Summary of findings on diagnostic requirements. Creating an optimal edge
profiles from experimental data”;
15:20 E. De La Luna
“Where we are now, and what will we have when EP2 diagnostics are installed in
15:50 E. Solano “Effect
of equilibrium reconstruction on pedestal measurements”;
16:20 ŕ 16:40 Coffee Break
16:40 M. Brix “MSE edge
17:10 Y. Andrews
“Measurements of edge ion temperature and plasma rotation in JET”;
17:40 S. Hacquin
“Reflectometry profile measurements”;
Wednesday, 5 April 9:00-12:30.
IV – Discussions . (ChairV. Parail)
9:00 ŕ 10:00 Physics of L-H
transition (Chairman :Ph Ghendrih)
10:00ŕ10:55 MHD stability of ETB,
ELM mitigation. (Chairman: M Bécoulet);
10:55ŕ11:15 Coffee Break
11:15ŕ12:10 Diagnostics
needed for ETB and ELMs study. (Chairman: M Beurskens);
12:10ŕ13:00 Integrated modelling
of L-H transition and ELMy H-mode: what do we have and what do we need. (D.